Saturday, November 04, 2006

My Love...

Women in my life.....

This is a confession. I am in love. Not with one or two but so many women that they can not all be named on this blog. But I would start to narrate them all....:)

Mirror Mirror on the Wall...Who's the fairest of them all...

Right. I am talking about Snow White. (Did you for once think it was a post about a person? Its my world of books:) )
My fascination with Snow White is very simple...the sweet adorable Seven Dwarfs. How cute were they?

Be Back by midnight...The ever so pretty Cinderella. And the whole enchantment of the Glass can never leave me.

Nancy first relationship...I read her across 6th 7th and 8th grade. She was simple, intelligent and her friends were awesome...Bess the slightly plump flirt and the athletic George.

Sleeping Beauty....Woken with a Kiss...(sighs)

Rapunzel...Personally I think her hair were better short. But what amazed me was how she returned eyesight to the prince's eyes with her tears.

Elizabeth Bennett...How can I forget this splendid woman?

Mrs. Bennett...the notoriously funny and melodramatic Mrs. Bennet...her flutters in the bosoms...ah!

Beauty...the girl who had it in her heart to love a Beast for he was kind to her!

Castallano...the pediatrician of Doctors...her fight with her life and her incredible fate with relationships! What a winner!

Joe..the playful and thoughtful Little Woman...

Kate Blackwell...the Master of the Game!

Hermione...the sweet little witch...brightest in her class...God knows Harry would not be the same without this book worm!

Mrs. Weasley...the lovable quintessential mother...can never get enough of her nagging for sure!

And then My girls... first book's protogonist...for simply being the first.

Iris...the beautiful dancer...

Sarah...the picture perfect...

Preeti...the common girl...

And the latest love and my pride...Gauri. For being the Queen she is!

And the list is long. I can't pick a favorite...I love them all. Some perhaps more than the rest....

There is however this one woman who has been always the top of charts. She is too a fairy tale character but not many understand her. Not many like her for she ain't the sweet girl...but infact...The Snow Queen.

I have always been fascinated by this woman of ice with no mercy in her soul...I don't know why but i perceive such warmth in this character that can not be defined.

TO all the women in my life....I love you all


Blogger bharti said...

ohh..i m so much in love with elizabeth bennet...sigh...
only if i cud be her...i wud have got Mr. Darcy...woww

10:05 AM  
Blogger ~ Deeps ~ said...

interesting list......and wat makes it more interesting is presence of kate blackwell.........

9:09 PM  
Blogger Kanika said...

@ bharti

True. People aspire to be Elizabeth for Mr. Darcy....I mean his estate at Pemberly!!!

@ deeps have read MAster of the Game...One woman...ain't she? She inspires Gauri...a lot.

9:56 PM  
Blogger Banvri said...

I think we have few common women :)



and yes i love Chitrangada :)

good n very entertaining post :)

n Gauri ke baare mein kuch aur batao ..i m curious :)

1:50 AM  
Blogger Kanika said...

@ chitra..

u'he read about Gauri.Abhi bas itna hi....and the common are favs for a lot of women.

5:57 AM  
Blogger workhard said...

Nice tribute buddy...:)

Make website india

8:31 AM  

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